10 Cool Photography Gadgets That Can Add Some Fun To Your Next Session

header image 10 cool gadgets

Whether you are a hobbyist or a pro, photographers can sometimes run into a creative rut. Here are some ideas or hacks to add some fun into your next photoshoot or personal project. These gadgets are mostly just for fun, but I have found some to be quite useful and have actually added them to my camera bag. Here are 10 cool – and inexpensive – photography gadgets to play around with when you are feeling the need to add some fun to your sessions.

1. Bokeh Kits

Bokeh can really add a lot of interest to a photograph, especially when done right. Bokeh is usually circular in shape as it takes on the shape of your camera’s aperture. With this fun accessory, you can turn your bokeh into whatever shape you’d like. Use this to add some whimsy or subtle magic to your work. Here’s a fun example using a heart shape:

Heart bokeh background. Valentine's day background

To learn more about this bokeh kit click here.

2. Shutter Huggers and Camera Creatures

These little guys are actually super useful! I use them in almost every session that has a child from the age of 4 months old and up. This is basically a little stuffed creature that sits around your camera’s lens, giving your subject something to look at. These are also great attention grabbers for pets as many of them have a built in squeaker.


To check out all of the cute styles available, click here.

3. Right Angle Spy Lens

Besides being really fun, and kind of ridiculous, this gadget can actually be a bit useful as well. If you’ve ever tried to capture a candid moment, only to have your subject notice you and immediately pose, you will understand the appeal of this right angle spy lens. This attaches to the end of your lens to help you capture an image in a completely different direction that you are pointing your camera.

Candid wedding

To get one for your Canon click here. For Nikon click here.

4. Shutter Release Upgrade

Definitely the tiniest item on this list, this gadget can still add quite a bit to your technique. These shutter buttons stick right on top of your shutter release, making it easier to find by feel and giving you better grip and control. click here.

5. These Cute Hot Shoe Covers

These little hot shoe covers are absolutely adorable! They come in several different styles. Besides decking out your camera, these can also double as an attention-getter for your younger models, as they make intense eye contact trying to see the cute tiny critter on your camera.


To see all of the styles available, click here.

6. Decorative Neck or Shoulder Strap

I don’t really need to explain this one do I? Who wouldn’t want to add a bit of style and comfort to their next photoshoot? Lots of variations exist of this cute accessory, click here to see what’s available.

7. Hot Shoe Level

A very useful little tool that sits right on top of your camera. Slide this level into your hot shoe to help keep your camera level. This can be especially helpful when creating panarama shots.

Country road, storm

To check out this simple little gadget, click here.

8. Macro Extension Tube

This one takes a bit of playing around to get just the effect you are after. But for the price, it has been really fun to play with. This camera attachment essentially turns your lens into a macro lens for those close up shots – without the hefty price tag. Not bad if macro is not something you primarily shoot and just want to experiment with.


To see the details of this gadget, click here.

9. Macro Ring Light

Another Macro aide, but this one can sure add a lot to a photo. Capture jewelry, glitter, or other small items that could use a nice light source. In this shot below, I used glitter scrap book paper as a backdrop for these rings to create this gorgeous bokeh effect. Imagine pairing that with the effect of the bokeh kit listed at number one on this list.

macro with light

Check out this cool ring light by clicking here.

10. Knee Pads

Ok, I know this isn’t really a photography gadget, but hear me out. As a photographer, especially one that works primarily with newborns and babies, I spend a lot of time crawling around on a hard studio floor. Pair that with how much kneeling I do while setting up my props, and this suddenly seems like a pretty handy thing to keep around.


If you often find yourself getting down on the floor to take pictures, click here.


Do you know of any other fun or strange camera gadgets? Let us know in the comments below 🙂




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